Thursday, July 3, 2008


Macha.... the nickname that the usual suspects had given to my ex housemate...

This is his story...

He moves outta my house, 
Still has my keys, cause i did tell him if you ever feel lonely call me and come over
then he goes.
So i thought.......

One day i come back, and he sits in the hall... I keep quiet.
as far as i recall, I did say call before coming. weird.. don't think he understands english..
anyways, Leisa has some alcohol stored over, and his visits gets more frequent. the alcohol depletes....


he then does the worst thing ever. He backstabs me to his bosses who know my boss very well. That was the last straw for this fuckin loser.

Changed my locks. Don need to tell him anything. Dont owe him any explanation.

What kind of loser is this????

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