Monday, September 15, 2008

The thin line

Sitting in this new found mamak... Black and white.. a bit the high class mamak..

was chatting with C aka 'siti' (In future, all references to C will be made as Siti)... hahah.. A comment was passed, about territorial / overprotective boyfriends..


What is the thin line between a protective boyfriend and a OVERPROTECTIVE boyfriend...

This is what I think......

Protective if he's worried about your health or safety (drinking too much, being assaulted, not eating right, not sleeping enough) but still lets you go out on your own or with friends - and is confident enough you wont cheat on him.

Overprotective is if he's trying to stop you from doing things without him because he doesn't trust you or doesn't want you to have fun without him and is unnecessarily jealous. Possessive is the next step - when he sees you as his property and thinks he can control every part of your life (clothes, ho ; bbies, who you meet...) Thats definately a step too far and that step isnt very big.....

What do you think?

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