Monday, September 8, 2008

Days of our lives...

"Has what you done in the past have in whatever way improved your quality of life?"

These words was taken off the movie 'American History X'... Some scenes depicted in the movie have struck some parts of my mind, some buried memories that come alive.

Memories that should have been buried, its weird that at the point you do things in life, you don't see the extend of how wrong or right it is... but when you see it through someone else.. it strikes much more..

Sometimes when we are young, we do stupid things, things that would haunt us for the rest of our lives, some people would have regretted their actions some will not, but for those who did, I thank the world to some extend that they would give us a second chance to redeem and prove ourselves...

but for the rest... well too bad...

Another quote I like..
"History is a people's memory, and without a memore, man is demoted to the lower animals"
Malcom X

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