Sunday, October 5, 2008

Decisions you make...

Many decisions I have made in my life, may steps I made in life..

Spoke to Poodle bout my career steps throughout the years...

Leaving Hilton and working somewhere else, getting paid less
then leaving there and getting paid even less
then leaving there and getting paid even less... but connections and growth here are limitless..

But then what is it al about? A choice between job satisfaction, and money...

I obviously chose satisfaction... I may not be making the money I want now.. but I met someone very special to me, I am glad I amy all those moves, if not I would not have met her. 

I am content with her, and this chain of events, just lead me to her.

you know how they say 'when you know, you just know'... well i knew when i met her..

What makes you?

Someone once asked me, " What makes who you are today?"

I guess its pretty much a discussional / debatable topic...

Some would say ' your past'...

Who you are today is how you were brought up, is through all the things in the past, is they way we as human beings adapt with our surroundings and past, and circumstances that has lead us here today..

Some would say ' your future'...

      I'd say the same too.... why?.. I dunno... hahaha
Well I would say, your determination of your future constructs who you are or rather must be for the future, 

In an example, If i'd by next sunday, I will give you a year long fully paid holiday to travel the globe, you naturally would really look forward to Sunday, and wrap up everything dat needs to be done throughout the week, thus, this coming Sunday, s affecting how you are today, like wise, when dat year is up, and the following week you are back to your normal routine life, you start feeling a lil sad, again the future, changes how you are in the present...

What would you say?

Someone once told me, 'In order to achieve big things, first dream big' - Conrad Hilton, the founder of Hilton International ( I guess he forgot to inform his grand daughter... but then she may dream of other big 'things')
