Safety & trust... twin sides of the same coin. - both involve risk and both form the foundation of any great relationship
Safety - the feeling you get when you have trust
Its weird how we say we can trust someone, or we have trust issues and etc?
But we trust total strangers easily in everyday life. The reason may be that we trust a stranger easier than intimate partners is cause we think that a stranger cannot hurt us like we imagine. But then... there was something i read..
' it takes a great deal of trust to drive a car down the road at 100kmh and an oncoming car on the other side also at a 100kmh and only one white line separating the two of you.'
The potential for danger is great- you dont know if the other person has been drinkng; you dont know if he's gonna stay on his side of the road. That actually takes alot of trust
Two of the thoughts paterns that destroy trust in reaionships are dwelling on the past pain and futurizing about potential negative events that haven't happened. Every time your mind starts to make up wild stories that involve abandonment, guilt, jealousy- those visuals or tapes just keep on playing in your mind and just dont stop!
Is it possible to bring yourself back to the present moment and differentiate the past, future and the present.
My thoughts...
When we have these negative feelings, we talk about them, not hiding them but being honest, we know the source came fromt he past, the situation in your head is not threatening to the other person, but how do we let those negatives thoughts go.
In a young relationship, you need to bridge the differences, get to know one another, but then the basis of any good relationship has to be trust. So... without trust, its a challenging feat.